Monday, January 30, 2012

Dreams and Change

Recently I dreamt about snakes twice. But only recall one of the dreams where I saved my girlfriend from being attacked by it. Mum asked me to check out what it meant. It stated on the web that it symbolises change, a certain problem one may be going through.

Well I guess it was both. The time of problem came and the time of change followed behind. I know it still haunts my dearest to find out what she had to find out and I do understand everything she did... But I'm grateful for her being able to somehow accept what's laid out on e table.. To help me overcome what i have to by just being there. Being supportive.
We've really went through so much in these 4 months that we're together. And learnt and discovered so much through all the obstacles.
I really do cherish every single moment i spend with her. I don't mean to bring it back up again but I just want you, my dear, to know, that even though I may have done what I did, at the end of the day, you're the only one i want....

Love, Your One & Only
Shaun. *muacks* <33

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