Thursday, August 25, 2011

In life, it's full of ups and downs. Trials and tribulations. Some big, some small.
We all face them. From fincance, to relationships with friends, family and those whom we hold so very dear; to our job, to where our future leads to.
Sometimes everything may seem so smooth sailing, so great. But inevitably we all hit a brick wall sometime. We all find obstacles laid in our way. It don't matter who placed it there or why it was. It don't matter how big or small and how many cuts you're gonna get.
What matters the most is what we learn out of getting through those obstacles, those brick walls. How much and how we would grow through the experience of those tough times. But sometimes we don't always get through those obstacles, sometimes we falter and crumble; so what then?
Like a baby who's locked in a room alone, it cries. It cries out to the world, to those who can hear and care to stop and help.
There will always be people to stop and help. All you have to do is open your mouth and ask. You must share your story and others can share theirs with you. If you have a tummy ache and not say a word or do a thing, no one will know.
No one on this earth can go through life alone. Even hermits find their time to be one with their surroundings.

When things aren't going the way we want them to, remember that things never always did. Look back in your life and see those times; when you failed your exam, when you lost a friend, when you lost a bet. Now look at where you are now. Was it all worth it? Did you grow and learn from the happenings in life when things weren't too well? If you didn't, it's time you learn how to.

Sometimes problems remain unsolved, left there with no solution and just seem stagnant to us.
Perhaps they are. but it's just to you. Perhaps it's just the way it was meant to be. Things will change; but not always in the way you'd like it to. If it does, you'll be glad to know that it's how you wished for it to be. But if it doesn't, remember that when one door closes a better one opens.

Death is a part of life. It's life's change agent. When your time on earth has come to an end, one way or another you will depart from this earth. All your earthly problems and unsettled matters remain the way they are.
They say suicide is painless. That may be so. But suicide does not solve all problems. It solves your own and creates more for the ones who hold you dear.
Sometimes I do think to myself, what if one day I were to just leave this world? What would people say at my eulogy? Who would be there to see me for the last time?
And then the thought of what I would leave behind comes to mind. The thought of those whom I hold so dearly.
When your time has come, then it will be. Your death is not for you to decide. It's your life... you didn't choose to be here, neither can you choose not to be.

Everything happens for a reason.
Have the strength to walk on in life whatever circumstances are.
Have the courage to face and tackle your problems.
Have the faith that in time all things work out for the greater good.
Have the patience to wait on things and people. Not everyone and everything happens at our will.
Have the love of a child, to love purely and unconditionally...

1 comment:

Kryztilia said...

So inspiring! Thank you for your wise words :)