Sunday, November 28, 2010

So here comes the end of another year, 2010.
What has it meant to me? Honestly, I can't answer that well enough yet. Maybe looking back would help.

I remember looking to the new year with much joy. with so much love, yes, it was a time where I was so deeply in love with another person. Where I thought she'd be the one. Well, eventually things didn't turn out the way I'd wished for it to. But I'm glad she came along in my life and I'm glad to have been there for her. So that's that.

Worked with my mum (Hilandas Property & Facilities Management), the company manages condos, before enlisting into the Singapore Police Force for my NS. pretty slack job. Very routine stuff, so I guess I'm not cut out to be a office guy or at least have my job seeing the same stuff day in day out.

May 4th, the day I looked and did not look forward to. On one hand I was kinda excited that I was going to serve my NS with the Police Force, on the other, I dreaded staying in camp. Time soon made things go smoothly. Training wasn't too tough and neither were the studies. During this time we were also deployed for SYOG. I was deployed as a normal neighborhood police center officer, or NPCO, with Bedok Division at Bedok North NPC. Lots of interesting stories there and I recently found out that I'm called the Gurkha cause of my stern look.
I was subsequently redeployed and attached to the NIOs AKA task force for plain clothes duty. Learnt much from there on how ambushes are laid, and that it is possible to come back and serve your reservist as an SI (Station Inspector) though normally the max NS men would achieve is a sergeant. this dude was a special case. Anyway it was a really enriching time serving with them, both at Bedok North NPC team Charlie and with the Bedok North Task Force guys.
After our attachment came our passing out ceremony. basically it's just a indoor event where prize winners go up on stage to get their cert and plug. I was awarded with the Best Trainee Award for my squad, NS15 2010. Lots of fond memories there too but there just ain't enough space here.
I got posted as a NPCO and damn did i dread it at first. Needing to spend another 3months in camp! Well, took me a while to let it sink in and like my OC (Officer In Charge) SSI Tung always said, LL Suck thumb. lan lan suck thumb. but looking on the bright side it was a challenging job that I would have to undertake in the near future. Also, the perk was a fully sponsored Class 3 License, which would save me about 2 to 3k. So that's that.

Sometime through the year I also got myself a camera. A canon 10D. ANCIENT! well, still good. and recently I just got another Tamron lens. Hope to get a new body at the end of next year or something.

It has been a year of learning to accept things for what they are and how they are, with regards to the people around you, the things they do, the words they say. It has taught me much patience in some areas.

Being in camp for so long has helped me to appreciate the little things we take for granted in our everyday lives. The freedom we live with day by day, going places. Just think about the many people who can't even venture out with their friends to go out and enjoy, to watch a movie, to enjoy life a little bit. Those living in famine and so on.

All in all, I'm thankful for the many things that has happened throughout the year. though many ups and downs were experienced, I guess I've gained from it somehow.

From getting enlisted and to serve my NS in the Police Force and being posted as a NPCO with a fully sponsored class 3 license; To finally own my own DSLR and actually purchase two tamron lenses at good prices; not having to take money from my parents anymore; getting my new phone and paying for it on my own; having made so many new friends and some close ones in HTA; the experiences faced while serving as a NPCO during the SYOG period; passing my tests in TRACOM.

Guess all I'm trying to say is that I'm thankful for all the experiences that I've had this year. For the people that came by in my life and touch my heart and the people whose hearts I've touched. For the events that occurred in the year, and for how far I've come.

Merry Blessed Christmas And A Very Happy New Year To One And All :)

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